Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Another student presentation Monday was Twitter. Chris Farley; Max Murphy; and I, Riley Kaminer presented. The objective of the presentation was to spread the word about the now very popular service. This video from Common Craft was shown in the beginning of the presentation. A demo and a few assorted points about the creepiness and background ensued. Here are the links of all students (and some teachers) from RCDS on Twitter.

Please contact me by FirstClass email or leave a comment if you join!

Google Docs

Google Docs is a free, easy to use online service that allows users to create online text documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and surveys. Google Docs allows for users to collaborate with others on documents and surveys. Google Docs enables users to access their documents on the go from any computer or smartphone. Google Docs has a lot of potential in education. Students can collaboratively edit essays in English class. Students can work on projects in docs, and teachers can watch their progress.

Pulse Pen

The Pulse Pen from Livescribe is, to me, one of the greatest personal learning tools created. The Pulse allows the student to go back to his or her notes and simply tap on the page, and it will replay the audio from the lecture. In this session, the students (well, faculty...) learned how the pen works and how to use the pen.

TechTip Presentation

TechTip is a short (3-5 minute) podcast for teachers designed to help teachers learn about technology. It is presented weekly by me, Riley Kaminer. The TechTip presentation went over what podcasts are in general, what specifically TechTip is, and some simple and easy lesson plans. Teachers even got to listen to an example podcast episode. Teachers may find all past and future TechTip episodes on FirstClass in the Faculty and Staff info section.


iChat, an instant messaging application for macs, is a great program for keeping up with friends and family in real time. In this session, the "students" learned how to instant message, create chats with more than one other person, audio chat, video chat, video conference (multiperson video chat), and screen share.


Monday - Students on Tech


Day one of Digital Wave consisted of sessions run entirely by students.
Here are the topics we covered:

Andrew & Mark
Riley , Chris & Max

Pulse Pen

Google DOCS
Max & Mark

Chris, Mark & Max

Teachers (well, students....) Feel free to add a summary and a picture from your session!